SRG Data Science: organizational meeting 2019/2020

On 22 October 2019 at the Poznan University of Economics and Business an organizational meeting of the of the Student Research Group (SRG) “Data Science” took place. During the meeting, the key directions of development of the student research group in the academic year 2019/2020 were discussed, as well as the basic issues related to ...

Doctoral promotion

The ceremony of doctoral and habilitation promotions for the 2018/2019 academic year took place on September 30, 2019, chaired by professor Maciej Żukowski, the rector of the Poznań University of Economics and Business.

Researchers’ Night 2019

As part of the Researchers’ Night, which took place on 27 September 2019, a workshops entitled “Wikipedia: how to find the information you need in top quality?” were held. Researchers’ Night is an event taking place all over Europe.


The international conference SEMANTiCS 2019 took place in Karlsruhe (Germany) from 9th to 13th September and was attended by more than 400 participants. During the conference, a presentation “Reference Extraction from Wikipedia Infoboxes” was delivered.

Wikimania 2019

An international Wikimania conference was held in Stockholm (Sweden) from 14-18 August, with about 800 participants. A presentation entitled “Multilingual Ranking of Wikipedia Articles with Quality and Popularity Assessment” was given during the conference.

2nd international workshop on Quality of Open Data (QOD 2019)

The second edition of the QOD (Quality of Open Data) workshop took place on 28 June 2019 as part of the BIS 2019 (22nd International Conference on Business Information Systems) in Seville (Spain). The organisers of the QOD 2019 workshop were Włodzimierz Lewoniewski, Anisa Rula and Krzysztof Węcel.

PUEB – the best business school

The Poznań University of Economics and Business obtained the highest position in Ranking of Universities in the category of economic universities in 2019. This is the result of a consistent improvement in the field of quality of the educational and research offer.

Doctoral degree with honors

By decision of the Council of the Faculty of Computer Science and Electronic Economy at the University of Economics in Poznań of March 8, 2019, the degree of doctor in the field of economic sciences was awarded. At the same time, the Faculty Council, supporting the proposal of the Doctoral Committee, recognized the doctoral dissertation ...

Measures for Quality Assessment of Articles and Infoboxes in Multilingual Wikipedia

The scientific work about measures for quality assessment of articles and infoboxes in multilingual Wikipedia was published in a volume number 339 in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series by Springer Verlag.

Happy New 2019 Year! (video)

Happy New 2019 Year!