PUEB Entrepreneurship Days

On December 2-3, 2020 as part of the 2nd edition of the PUEB Entrepreneurship Days, members of the Department of Information Systems gave lectures on contemporary challenges of innovative economy, the possibility of using open data and Data Science in the development of entrepreneurship.

MSc. Piotr Kałużny, during the presentation entitled “The use of Data Science and artificial intelligence in the development of enterprises” acquainted the present with the essence of data analysis and processing using machine learning and neural networks. He explained the etymology and meaning of concepts such as Big Data, AI and Data Science, and familiarized participants with practical examples of their use in today’s enterprises. At the end of the presentation, the results of research indicating the areas of application and barriers in the implementation of AI observed by Polish entrepreneurs and the challenges of the labor market related to the nomenclature of analytical positions, such as Data Scientist, Analyst or Data Engineer, were presented.

Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski as part of the lecture entitled Open Data for Business presented global and local websites that make their data available to the public and can potentially be used by enterprises. Additionally, the possibilities of semantic knowledge bases (eg DBpedia, Wikidata) were shown, which allow for automatic processing of multilingual information from various sources in a manner appropriate to the needs of the organization. During the lecture, the issues of data quality assessment and tools that can help in automating the process of enriching corporate knowledge bases with information of the best quality were also discussed. Particular attention in this part of the presentation was devoted to the analysis of information quality in different language versions of Wikipedia with the use of machine learning algorithms.

PUEB Entrepreneurship Days addressed to students, doctoral students and employees of the Poznań University of Economics and Business under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the PUEB – Prof. Maciej Żukowski. The second edition of the event included lectures and meetings with business practitioners, during which the focus was on issues related to entrepreneurship and contemporary socio-economic challenges for entrepreneurs. The event was organized in cooperation with Santander Universidades.

Source: kie.ue.poznan.pl
