Reliable sources of information about companies on Wikipedia

A research paper on the automatic identification of reliable sources of information about companies in multilingual Wikipedia has been published on the IEEE website. The information source assessment models presented in the research work can help Internet users find valuable sources of information about companies using open data from Wikipedia, Wikidata and DBpedia.

WiTIwKP 2022 conference

During the 9th of the National Scientific Conference “Knowledge and information technologies in creating entrepreneurship” (WiTIwKP), the SocialScan tool supporting the verification of credibility of information on social networks was presented. This year’s edition of the conference was held on October 6-7 in a hybrid mode (stationary in Olsztyn near Częstochowa and remotely).

Researchers’ Night 2022

Workshops “Truth or fake news: how not to be fooled on the Internet” were conducted during the Researchers’ Night 2022. As part of these workshops, it was possible to learn about the complexity of scientific research in the field of identifying false information, and at the same time about interesting issues related to the search ...