Wikipedia does not have to be truthful, but it is important that the information must be confirmed by reliable sources. The last issue of the Wikimedia Research Showcase in outgoing 2020 was devoted to the problem of disinformation and the reliability of Wikipedia sources.
From today, a new DBpedia website has been launched. The design, layout and content of the pages have been changed according to the requirements of the community of this semantic knowledge base.
During the 5th Scientific Conference “Computer Science in Management” IwZ’2020, a plenary session was held, during which awards were presented for the best doctoral dissertations defended in 2019. The ceremony took place online on December 3, 2020, while the diplomas were sent via post.
During the Wikimedia Research Showcase the results of scientific works conducted by members of the Department of Information Systems in the area of information quality assessment in multilingual Wikipedia were presented. In particular, the models of automatic evaluation of the reliability of sources in this popular encyclopedia were discussed.
On December 2-3, 2020 as part of the 2nd edition of the PUEB Entrepreneurship Days, members of the Department of Information Systems gave lectures on contemporary challenges of innovative economy, the possibility of using open data and Data Science in the development of entrepreneurship.
Infobox provides a summary of the most important information relating to a particular object described in a Wikipedia article. In other words — Wikipedia infobox summarize factoid knowledge.
In the jubilee 15th edition of the PUE Foundation competition for the best doctoral dissertations defended at the Poznań University of Economics and Business in the 2018/2019 academic year, the work “The method of comparing and enriching information in multilingual wikis based on the analysis of their quality” took the first place. The PhD thesis ...
In the 23rd Edition of the competition of the Scientific Society of Business Informatics (Polish abbr. “NTIE”), people associated with the Department of Information Systems at Poznań University of Economics and Business were awarded for the best diploma theses in the field of information systems.
The third edition of the QOD (Quality of Open Data) workshop took place on 9 June 2020 as part of the BIS 2020 conference (23rd International Conference on Business Information Systems). The organisers of the QOD 2020 workshop were Dr. Mouzhi Ge, Dr. Włodzimierz Lewoniewski and Dr. habil. Krzysztof Węcel.