Python 3.9 vs Python 3.10 – performance testing

This article describes the performance testing results of Python 3.10 compared to Python 3.9. A total of 88 various benchmark tests were conducted on computers with the AMD Ryzen 7000 series and the 13th-generation of Intel Core processors for desktops, laptops or mini PCs.

All tests were run on Windows 11 computers using the pyperformance 1.0.9 library in Python 3.9.13 and Python 3.10.11 (both 64-bit versions).

AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Desktop Processor

The first part of testing involved a desktop computer with an AMD Ryzen 9 7900 processor, RAM DDR5, and an M.2 PCIe Gen4 NVMe drive. The table below shows the results of 88 tests performed using Python 3.9 (as a reference) and Python 3.10 on this device.

Benchmark Python 3.9 Python 3.10
2to3 217 ms 216 ms (not significant)
async_generators 221 ms 230 ms (1.04x slower)
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 682 ms 685 ms (not significant)
async_tree_io 1.33 sec 1.32 sec (not significant)
async_tree_memoization 559 ms 560 ms (not significant)
async_tree_none 479 ms 471 ms (not significant)
asyncio_tcp 619 ms 686 ms (1.11x slower)
asyncio_tcp_ssl 1.76 sec 2.04 sec (1.16x slower)
bench_mp_pool 56.7 ms 55.4 ms (1.02x faster)
bench_thread_pool 706 us 725 us (1.03x slower)
chameleon 6.03 ms 5.89 ms (1.02x faster)
chaos 57.6 ms 57.1 ms (1.01x faster)
comprehensions 14.5 us 14.6 us (not significant)
coroutines 21.4 ms 17.3 ms (1.24x faster)
coverage 25.5 ms 33.5 ms (1.31x slower)
create_gc_cycles 635 us 637 us (1.00x slower)
crypto_pyaes 61.8 ms 62.7 ms (1.01x slower)
dask 269 ms 263 ms (1.02x faster)
deepcopy 245 us 253 us (1.03x slower)
deepcopy_memo 28.3 us 28.9 us (1.02x slower)
deepcopy_reduce 2.19 us 2.20 us (not significant)
deltablue 4.00 ms 4.27 ms (1.07x slower)
django_template 28.4 ms 28.2 ms (1.01x faster)
docutils 1.57 sec 1.63 sec (1.04x slower)
fannkuch 263 ms 256 ms (not significant)
float 66.6 ms 66.7 ms (not significant)
gc_traversal 1.20 ms 1.20 ms (not significant)
generators 32.8 ms 41.8 ms (1.27x slower)
genshi_text 19.1 ms 18.7 ms (1.02x faster)
genshi_xml 140 ms 132 ms (not significant)
hexiom 5.26 ms 5.46 ms (1.04x slower)
html5lib 41.6 ms 39.3 ms (1.06x faster)
json_dumps 8.28 ms 8.09 ms (1.02x faster)
json_loads 14.0 us 13.3 us (1.05x faster)
logging_format 6.22 us 6.74 us (1.08x slower)
logging_silent 104 ns 102 ns (not significant)
logging_simple 5.78 us 6.36 us (1.10x slower)
mako 9.41 ms 9.04 ms (1.04x faster)
mdp 1.77 sec 1.68 sec (1.05x faster)
meteor_contest 63.7 ms 65.9 ms (1.04x slower)
nbody 80.7 ms 81.8 ms (1.01x slower)
nqueens 57.7 ms 61.3 ms (1.06x slower)
pathlib 80.5 ms 81.3 ms (1.01x slower)
pickle 6.98 us 6.86 us (1.02x faster)
pickle_dict 17.9 us 18.5 us (1.03x slower)
pickle_list 2.49 us 2.58 us (1.04x slower)
pickle_pure_python 250 us 258 us (1.03x slower)
pidigits 139 ms 136 ms (1.02x faster)
pprint_pformat 900 ms 1.17 sec (1.30x slower)
pyflate 394 ms 387 ms (1.02x faster)
python_startup 17.7 ms 17.4 ms (1.01x faster)
python_startup_no_site 13.2 ms 13.2 ms (not significant)
raytrace 267 ms 275 ms (1.03x slower)
regex_compile 86.8 ms 89.5 ms (1.03x slower)
regex_dna 106 ms 111 ms (1.04x slower)
regex_effbot 1.81 ms 1.78 ms (1.01x faster)
regex_v8 14.9 ms 15.0 ms (1.01x slower)
richards 38.0 ms 41.7 ms (1.10x slower)
richards_super 48.5 ms 50.9 ms (1.05x slower)
scimark_fft 205 ms 223 ms (1.09x slower)
scimark_lu 85.4 ms 94.3 ms (1.10x slower)
scimark_monte_carlo 57.9 ms 58.1 ms (not significant)
scimark_sor 105 ms 105 ms (not significant)
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 3.04 ms 3.47 ms (1.14x slower)
spectral_norm 79.7 ms 82.1 ms (1.03x slower)
sqlalchemy_declarative 72.4 ms 78.0 ms (1.08x slower)
sqlalchemy_imperative 8.55 ms 8.51 ms (1.01x faster)
sqlglot_normalize 181 ms 198 ms (1.10x slower)
sqlglot_optimize 34.6 ms 37.1 ms (1.07x slower)
sqlglot_parse 1.20 ms 1.12 ms (1.07x faster)
sqlglot_transpile 1.36 ms 1.33 ms (1.03x faster)
sqlite_synth 1.68 us 1.54 us (1.09x faster)
sympy_expand 261 ms 265 ms (1.02x slower)
sympy_integrate 12.8 ms 12.7 ms (1.01x faster)
sympy_str 159 ms 162 ms (1.02x slower)
sympy_sum 87.4 ms 91.4 ms (1.05x slower)
telco 3.89 ms 3.80 ms (1.02x faster)
tomli_loads 1.57 sec 1.69 sec (1.07x slower)
tornado_http 101 ms 98.2 ms (1.03x faster)
typing_runtime_protocols 301 us 314 us (1.04x slower)
unpack_sequence 35.0 ns 39.3 ns (1.12x slower)
unpickle 7.90 us 8.59 us (1.09x slower)
unpickle_list 2.87 us 2.87 us (not significant)
unpickle_pure_python 171 us 176 us (1.03x slower)
xml_etree_generate 53.7 ms 55.2 ms (1.03x slower)
xml_etree_iterparse 55.4 ms 57.6 ms (1.04x slower)
xml_etree_parse 84.1 ms 83.4 ms (1.01x faster)
xml_etree_process 42.9 ms 44.4 ms (1.04x slower)
Result (geometric mean) 1.02x slower

The result shows that Python 3.10 has the best performance results over Python 3.9 in the following tests: coroutines (1.24x faster), sqlite_synth (1.09x faster), sqlglot_parse (1.07x faster). However, you may notice a drop in performance in some tests, especially in coverage (1.31x slower), pprint_pformat (1.30x slower), generators (1.27x slower).

Additionally, you can examine the performance differences between Python 3.10 and Python 3.9 based on benchmarks belonging to specific groups. The table below shows the geometric mean for benchmarks from separate groups for Python 3.10 compared to Python 3.9.

Group of benchmarks Python 3.10 to Python 3.9
apps 1.01x faster
math 1.00x faster
regex 1.02x slower
serialize 1.02x slower
startup 1.01x faster
template 1.02x faster

13th Gen Intel Core Mobile Processor

The second part of testing involved a mini PC with an Intel Core i3-1315U Processor (which is also used in laptops), RAM DDR4, and an M.2 PCIe Gen4 NVMe drive. The table below shows the results of 88 tests performed using Python 3.9 (as a reference) and Python 3.10 on this device.

Benchmark Python 3.9 Python 3.10
2to3 281 ms 282 ms (not significant)
async_generators 249 ms 254 ms (1.02x slower)
async_tree_cpu_io_mixed 708 ms 716 ms (1.01x slower)
async_tree_io 1.17 sec 1.16 sec (1.01x faster)
async_tree_memoization 583 ms 593 ms (1.02x slower)
async_tree_none 479 ms 486 ms (not significant)
asyncio_tcp 912 ms 981 ms (1.08x slower)
asyncio_tcp_ssl 2.24 sec 2.43 sec (1.08x slower)
bench_mp_pool 92.4 ms 89.5 ms (1.03x faster)
bench_thread_pool 1.20 ms 1.24 ms (not significant)
chameleon 6.93 ms 6.47 ms (1.07x faster)
chaos 69.2 ms 68.8 ms (not significant)
comprehensions 16.3 us 18.4 us (1.13x slower)
coroutines 25.4 ms 18.0 ms (1.42x faster)
coverage 25.2 ms 33.0 ms (1.31x slower)
create_gc_cycles 883 us 888 us (not significant)
crypto_pyaes 70.5 ms 70.3 ms (not significant)
dask 436 ms 431 ms (1.01x faster)
deepcopy 288 us 293 us (1.02x slower)
deepcopy_memo 31.2 us 32.0 us (1.03x slower)
deepcopy_reduce 2.52 us 2.47 us (1.02x faster)
deltablue 4.50 ms 4.71 ms (1.05x slower)
django_template 34.6 ms 33.3 ms (1.04x faster)
docutils 2.08 sec 2.19 sec (1.05x slower)
fannkuch 289 ms 306 ms (1.06x slower)
float 73.1 ms 70.0 ms (1.04x faster)
gc_traversal 1.69 ms 1.69 ms (not significant)
generators 34.4 ms 36.0 ms (1.05x slower)
genshi_text 21.1 ms 21.6 ms (1.02x slower)
genshi_xml 157 ms 153 ms (1.03x slower)
hexiom 5.86 ms 6.22 ms (1.06x slower)
html5lib 56.1 ms 56.0 ms (not significant)
json_dumps 8.96 ms 9.76 ms (1.09x slower)
json_loads 16.5 us 16.0 us (1.03x faster)
logging_format 7.50 us 8.15 us (1.09x slower)
logging_silent 110 ns 106 ns (1.04x faster)
logging_simple 6.97 us 7.60 us (1.09x slower)
mako 10.5 ms 9.78 ms (1.07x faster)
mdp 1.99 sec 1.96 sec (1.02x faster)
meteor_contest 81.9 ms 83.7 ms (1.02x slower)
nbody 81.5 ms 80.5 ms (not significant)
nqueens 69.8 ms 75.9 ms (1.09x slower)
pathlib 74.6 ms 77.5 ms (1.04x slower)
pickle 7.89 us 7.85 us (not significant)
pickle_dict 20.0 us 20.9 us (1.04x slower)
pickle_list 3.01 us 3.11 us (1.03x slower)
pickle_pure_python 292 us 302 us (1.04x slower)
pidigits 170 ms 167 ms (1.02x faster)
pprint_pformat 1.05 sec 1.39 sec (1.33x slower)
pyflate 471 ms 461 ms (1.02x faster)
python_startup 25.1 ms 25.0 ms (not significant)
python_startup_no_site 19.8 ms 19.4 ms (1.02x faster)
raytrace 301 ms 320 ms (1.06x slower)
regex_compile 112 ms 118 ms (1.05x slower)
regex_dna 147 ms 148 ms (not significant)
regex_effbot 1.78 ms 1.88 ms (1.06x slower)
regex_v8 16.5 ms 17.0 ms (1.03x slower)
richards 41.1 ms 46.6 ms (1.13x slower)
richards_super 51.7 ms 58.5 ms (1.13x slower)
scimark_fft 211 ms 214 ms (1.01x slower)
scimark_lu 87.0 ms 93.7 ms (1.08x slower)
scimark_monte_carlo 65.7 ms 64.1 ms (1.03x faster)
scimark_sor 111 ms 114 ms (1.03x slower)
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 2.95 ms 2.97 ms (not significant)
spectral_norm 86.0 ms 84.8 ms (1.02x faster)
sqlalchemy_declarative 115 ms 125 ms (1.09x slower)
sqlalchemy_imperative 13.3 ms 13.1 ms (1.02x faster)
sqlglot_normalize 207 ms 234 ms (1.13x slower)
sqlglot_optimize 41.0 ms 44.8 ms (1.09x slower)
sqlglot_parse 1.38 ms 1.40 ms (1.01x slower)
sqlglot_transpile 1.62 ms 1.67 ms (1.03x slower)
sqlite_synth 2.26 us 2.16 us (1.05x faster)
sympy_expand 352 ms 367 ms (1.04x slower)
sympy_integrate 16.7 ms 17.4 ms (1.04x slower)
sympy_str 212 ms 223 ms (1.05x slower)
sympy_sum 115 ms 124 ms (1.08x slower)
telco 4.38 ms 4.42 ms (1.01x slower)
tomli_loads 1.75 sec 1.89 sec (1.08x slower)
tornado_http 142 ms 140 ms (1.02x faster)
typing_runtime_protocols 361 us 378 us (1.05x slower)
unpack_sequence 40.9 ns 44.9 ns (1.10x slower)
unpickle 9.05 us 9.21 us (not significant)
unpickle_list 2.99 us 3.16 us (1.06x slower)
unpickle_pure_python 199 us 209 us (1.05x slower)
xml_etree_generate 59.5 ms 61.8 ms (1.04x slower)
xml_etree_iterparse 69.7 ms 74.4 ms (1.07x slower)
xml_etree_parse 113 ms 114 ms (not significant)
xml_etree_process 54.6 ms 49.5 ms (1.10x faster)
Result (geometric mean) 1.03x slower

The result shows that Python 3.10 has the best performance results over Python 3.9 in the following tests: coroutines (1.42x faster), xml_etree_process (1.10x faster), chameleon (1.07x faster). However, you may notice a drop in performance in some tests, especially in pprint_pformat (1.33x slower), coverage (1.31x slower), comprehensions (1.13x slower).

Additionally, you can examine the performance differences between Python 3.10 and Python 3.9 based on benchmarks belonging to specific groups. The table below shows the geometric mean for benchmarks from separate groups for Python 3.10 compared to Python 3.9.

Group of benchmarks Python 3.10 to Python 3.9
apps 1.01x faster
asyncio 1.01x slower
math 1.03x faster
regex 1.04x slower
serialize 1.03x slower
startup 1.01x faster
template 1.01x faster