Best Paper Award

The article “Analysis of References Across Wikipedia Languages” received the Best Paper Award at ICIST 2017 Conference (The 23rd International Conference on Information and Software Technologies).

Researchers’ Night 2017

As a part of the Researchers’ Night, which took place on September 29, 2017, scientists from the Department of Information Systems organized workshops “WHAT DO YOU THINK? GUIDE FOR SMALL PROGRAMMERS “(MSc. Piotr Kałużny, Dr. Bartosz Perkowski) for children aged 8 to 12 and “WHAT DO YOU THINK? INTERNET WITHOUT SECRETS” (Dr. Agnieszka Figiel, MSc. ...

ICIST Conference 2017 (video)

23rd International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST 2017) took place in Druskininkai on October 12-14. During the proceedings were presented the papers „Analysis of References Across Wikipedia Languages” and „Using Morphological and Semantic Features for the Quality Assessment of Russian Wikipedia”.