Automatic assessment of Wikipedia quality in different languages

This article presents an overview of scientific works related to quality assessment of Wikipedia in different languages. Despite the fact that Wikipedia is often criticized for its poor quality, it still is one of the most popular knowledge bases in the world. Currently, this online encyclopedia is on the 5th place in the ranking of ...

Wikipedia, Dbpedia and the Polish Art Market: Data Enrichment and Analysis of Concepts’ Frequency in The Descriptions of Paintings and Authors

Wikilinks are internal hyperlinks on Wikipedia, a popular Internet encyclopaedia. A unique article identifier is hidden behind so-called surface form, which is a grammatical match of a given term accordingly to the context in which it occurs. Therefore, a given term can have multiple surface forms.

Features of Wikipedia Articles and Their Extraction Methods for Automatic Information Quality Assessment

This article presents and classifies features that can be extracted from Wikipedia articles for the purpose of automatic information quality assessment. Based on a state of the art analysis and our own experiments, specific measures for various aspects of quality have been defined.

Application Logistic Regression in Assessing the Quality of Information – Wikipedia Articles Case

The use of the logistic regression in the assessment of the quality of data may have a significant impact on data management in the era of big data, where we are all dealing with a number of variables and amount of information describing some interesting phenomenon or behaviour.