Dr Krzysztof Węcel from the Department of Information Systems received a grant for conducting research with the tools available through the Microsoft Azure cloud. The award was presented as part of the Microsoft Azure for Research Award programme after a positive assessment of the project proposal entitled “Data Science for improving the quality of crowdsourced ...
On May 31, 2017 Włodzimierz Lewoniewski provided lectures and workshops for pupils of the High School no 12 in Poznań as part of the Infizmania project. The topic focused on the quality of information on Wikipedia in various languages.
After extraction information about 41 266 558 references in 7 Wikipedia language editions (English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Ukranian, Belarussian) it was possible to create a list of 100 the most popular domain names in these references.
On May 16-17, 2017 at the Centennial Hall in Wrocław took place a scientific conference Applied Data Science (ADS) for industry experts and academics, who are interested to discuss current and upcoming trends, case studies, innovations and research in the data science field. During the proceedings was presented a paper „Popularity in quality assessment of ...
Sometimes popular services with timetables of trains in Poland are not available or there are some errors. Therefore, it is useful to have alternative addresses. Some of them have English interface. List of sites with timetables of Polish trains
The world of modern finance is increasingly dominated by new technologies, mathematical models and sophisticated statistical techniques. Financial Engineering is an area of modern finance involved in the application of quantitative methods to the analysis of risks associated with financial investments and in forecasting events in the financial markets. Financial engineering deals with, among other ...
Since founding and with the increasing popularity of Wikipedia there are more and more scientific publications on the quality of the information. One of the first studies in the area related to the automatic assessment of Wikipedia quality – “Assessing information quality of a community-based encyclopedia” by Besiki Stvilia, Michael B. Twidale, Linda C. Smith, ...
The course is a suitable language improvement program for students who wish to prepare for further academic study at Poznan University of Economics and Business (PUEB). After passing all the required examinations, the students will be eligible for admission to the full-time studies in English conducted at PUEB.